THATCamp at the IAHR conference 2015

From August 23–29 2015, the conference of the International Association for the History of Religions (IAHR) will take place in Erfurt, Germany. As part of this conference, a THATCamp is planned. It will take place on two days: Monday, August 24, 1:30-3 p.m. and Friday, August 28, 1:30-3 p.m. at CT (the white tent at the university entrance).

The THATCamp is an open space: There will be no fixed schedule until the day of the camp itself. Instead, the camp provides an opportunity for people interested in the use of technology in the study of religions to exchange about any topic they like.

You can all contribute to the camp and make sure the topics you care about are addressed.

  1. If you want to contribute to the program, please create an account. (Even if you just want to attend, you may like to register. All registered participants will appear on the campers page, so you can see who else is joining.)
  2. Once your registration is confirmed, you can propose a session. Due to the limited time, sessions will probably be ~10–20 minutes long. If you propose a session, please be ready to facilitate it.
  3. Spread the word about the THATCamp and your session. If you use twitter, you can use the hashtags #thatcamp #iahr2015.
  4. Come to the camp, no matter if you proposed a session or are just curious. Help set the agenda and have a nice time!